High Sativa Strains

High sativa strains . is one of three main ways cannabis strains are classified, along with ‘indica’ and ‘hybrid’. Sativa strains are the energetic counterpart to indica strains, which are considered more sedative. Budtenders pitch sativa strains as offering energy, creativity, or focus, as compared to other types of weed that put you to sleep. Many consumers also state in Leafly reviews that they use sativa strains to help them manage symptoms of mood disorders or other cognitive issues, including depression and ADHD.

Most modern, popular strains are hybrids of indicas and sativa, so you’re unlikely to ever find a ‘pure’ sativa strain. Strains labeled ‘sativa’ comprise the smallest segment of the Leafly database. This is largely due to the general rarity of sativa compared to hybrid strains. Each person’s brain chemistry is different, but here are some super-popular, strong sativa strains to check out and see if the effect is right for your needs.

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