Psilocybe Baeocystis

The Baeocystis psilocybe. Psilocybe baeocystis is Family Hymenogastraceae apsilocybin mushroom. It includes psilocybin, psilocin, and baeocystin, the hallucinogenic compounds. The species is commonly known by different names like bottle caps, knobby tops, blue bells, olive caps, etc.



Buy Psilocybe Baeocystis Online

In brief, Buy psilocybe baeocystis online, because of its distinctive rippled cap, Psilocybe baeocystis is called, with baeo-cystis translating to “small-bladder,” something that resembles the fungus when fresh. It is found more frequently under the aliases of “bottle caps,” “knobby tops,” “blue bells” or “olive caps;” all references to the different cap traits. Together with the wavy ripples, when treated or aged, the cap stains quickly from a chestnut-brown, olive-green to a shiny dark blue.

A relative oddity with respect to this species is that its potency is markedly higher when fresh, usually diminishing with drying to at least half. This can be due to the very high levels of baeocystin, a psychoactive psilocybin precursor.

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This compound, popular within Psilocybe but usually at far lower rates, is named for the mushroom itself, being first identified and described from the genus.

Along with the compound sharing its nickname, P. baeocystis also boasts psilocin levels that place it in the top three. While the psilocybin content is close to P. cubensis, moderate to low, this species also contains a small but effective amount of norbaeocystin, a similar alkaloid to the rest. All together, this makes for a very potent mushroom when fresh: 1-3 mushrooms or up to five grams would be a large dose. A sample of just one gram will produce lively effects when dried.


P. baeocystis is a unusual but beneficial choice for home growing due to both the overall potency of the species and the particular value on the freshness of the fruiting bodies. This is fairly flexible in its substrate tolerance: peat, mulches and stock based on humus may be the correct choices. While they may be confused with related species such as P. aztecorum, P. quebecensis, or P. cyanescens, they are primarily a common wild cultivar to attain full freshness.

This species defined a common compound that contributes to the “magic” of Psilocybe mushrooms. Either dried or, for the lucky explorer, fresh samples are ensured to provide an intense experience.

Habitat and distribution

Psilocybe baeocystis is solitary to cespitose, and scattered to numerous on ground bark, wood chips, peat moss, decaying conifer mulch, occasionally on lawns, pastures, and rarely in coniferous forests. Often found growing under plants like rhododendrons and rose bushes in mulched garden beds, sometimes growing amongst other Psilocybe species such as Psilocybe stuntzii and Psilocybe cyanescensPsilocybe baeocystis grows from August through December, and rarely as early as the end of June. Psilocybe baeocystis is a hemiboreal mushroom, common throughout the Pacific Northwest.


Psilocin was first reported in this species in Benedict et al., 1962, and a few years later, Leung and Paul would report the related compound baeocystin, isolated from saprophytic culture, as well as the desmethyl metabolite norbaeocystin. Beug and Bigwood (1981) also reported on the concentrations of these compounds in Psilocybe baeocystis using reverse-phase HPLC and thin-layer chromatography. Concentration ranges for psychoactive compounds from these studies were reported to be 0.15–0.85% psilocybin, up to 0.59% psilocin, and up to 0.10% baeocystin.


      • Pileas: The cap is 15–55 mm (0.6–2.2 in) in diameter and conic to obtusely conic to convex. The cap margin is turned inwards when young, rarely becoming plane in age, often distinctly rippled, translucent-striate and bruising and aging greenish-bluish about the margin. It is dark olive brown to buff brown in color, occasionally steel blue; when dried it tends toward copper brown in the center. It is hygrophanous, fading to milk white, and viscid when moist from a gelatinous pellicle, usually separable. The flesh is thin and bruises blue easily
      • Gills: The gills are close with adnate to sinuate attachment and are grayish to cinnamon brown, with the edges remaining pallid.
      • Spore Print: dark purplish brown
      • Stipe: The stipe is 5–7 cm (2.0–2.8 in) long, 2–3 mm (0.1–0.1 in) thick, and equal to subequal.


For those looking to explore more varieties of magic mushrooms, check out our premium selection of Psilocybe Cubensis. Known for its versatility and moderate potency, it’s a favorite among enthusiasts and beginners alike.


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